Armaco storage


At ARMACO we believe in the importance of well-being.

We strive to reach the sustainability goal and we impose ourselves to be the best every day, side by side with our clients. This commitment is reflected on the adoption of the best working practices and on our products’ certification. The biggest raw material consumption at ARMACO is organic meshes, aligning us with the challenges of the sustainability future.

Producing ethically and sustainably knit is as import to us as it is for our costumers.
As such, we have GOTS certificate, also to show our transparency throughout all process.

Our products have the label Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex® and are internationally certified making our finished products non-toxic, hygienic and hypoallergenic.

OEKO-TEX certification

ARMACO also received the BCI Certification (Better Cotton Initiative) which has as goal to assure a more sustainable future regarding the cotton production.

Better Cotton Iniciative Certification